Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Flan. Flan! There's a story here. Girl likes boy. Boy's family comes to visit. Girl wants to impress family by making spectacular flan. Girl makes puerto rican flan, with her new-yorican friend. Flan fails with the family, but girl gets authentic mexican flan pot from family with recipes from the grandma. girl now knows how to make two types of delicious flan. score.

I'm guessing you might not have a flan pot, but if you ask nicely we can make flan together : )

1/2 cup of sugar
90 grams of cream cheese
1 cup of milk
1 can of condensed milk
4 eggs
4 cups of hot water on reserve

In a blender, combine all ingredients except sugar and whizzzzzzzzz it up for 2 minutes straight.
Place flan pot over high heat, add sugar. The trick is to melt the sugar without burning it. Burned sugar has an acrid, bitter taste, not so good for desserts.

Once sugar has melted into a dark amber color put the bottom of the pan into a cold water bath so the sugar sets. It should become hard and the surface should have small cracks. Now add the blended dairy goodness to the pot.
At this point the flan pot goes into a bano maria, or a water bath. You take a large, deep pot, and place the flan pot inside it. The flan pot should sit on a metal strainer, or inverted plate. Fill water up until it reaches 3/4 of the way up the flan pot. Cover, heat and let simmer for one hour. Check on it occassionally to make sure the water hasn't evaporated. When it gets close add the hot water as needed.

After an hour goes by shut off the heat, and carefully, CAREFULLY remove the flan pot. You should take it off the heat and let it cool for 10 minutes. Then gingerly lieft it out, and put it in the fridge to set. Once it sets (however long you can wait : )), at least 3 hours, you can take it out. It will invert onto a plate, et voila!

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